Should we continue using the term “drive” when it comes to predatory behaviour?
My dog has a high “prey drive!” I hear this all the time and I get it, it’s catchy and everybody knows what it means.
In one of my last blog posts “Why predatory behaviour is not a drive”, I suggested to use the word “predatory motivation” and I stirred quite a discussion. Although it is commonly referred to as a ‘drive’ there are many reasons why calling predation a ‘drive’ is scientifically incorrect:
1. We can’t measure “drive” – however, we can measure behaviour
When we talk about drive, we are suggesting that something is building up inside the dog, and putting pressure on them to behave in a certain way. However, this cannot be measured scientifically, as we can’t accurately measure a dog’s emotions and what may be happening inside their body.
So, it’s unscientific to say that the dog is losing control because of this build-up of pressure, as we simply cannot know whether this is true.
However, we can measure a dog’s behaviour and relate this to the environment they are in at the time, and make observations based on this. Behaviour is always seen in the context of the environment. It is a more accurate and scientific way to describe and measure behaviour than some ominous “drive”.
![predatory drive dog](
2. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation – or maybe a mix?
A drive would be completely intrinsically motivating and would mean it would come solely from within the dog. However, predation also relies on external stimuli (extrinsic motivation) to be present, in order for the dog to show predatory behaviour. This might be the sight or scent of wildlife, a certain movement or even a particular type of landscape that triggers predatory behaviour.
Therefore, it’s more likely that a mix of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is present, and it does not come solely from an inner drive.
3. We impose a human concept on dogs
We are very influenced by Freud’s drive theory so we automatically try to use this on our dogs. But, it’s important to remember that this is a human concept that cannot simply be transferred to dogs. Freud found that drives are a part of our personality that is rooted in the Id. But in order for this theory to hold up, the individual also needs to have a Super-Ego and Ego that all form parts of our psyche. This cannot be measured in dogs, so this means our dogs either do not have it, or we do not know about it scientifically at this moment in time. So, it’s not sound science or reputable to transfer this human-based theory to our dogs.
4. “Drive” cements the idea of a hierarchical gap
There is also a sociopsychological component to this problem. If we assume that drive is something that comes from within, and it can’t be controlled. This means neither your dog, or you, can control your dog’s drive. It’s an involuntary response which nobody has control over, not even the dog themselves. So, this means one of two things;
Firstly, that you are a victim of your dog’s drive as you don’t have any control over it. This means you either use it as an excuse that you cannot control your dog, or you resort to using increasingly aversive methods to try and regain control.
Secondly, it may be that you see yourself as above your dog and try and exploit them by being a victim of their own drive, for your own use or personal gain.
Either option is part of a hierarchical system, whereby you see yourself as either below or above your dog, but never on the same level.
This suits the narrative that it is impossible to train ”high drive dogs” without the use of punitive measures.
5. We may not mean the same
For people in general, the word “drive” is open to interpretation. When people talk about drive, they are usually referring to the loss of control your dog is experiencing and are unaware of the deeper scientific implications.
Let me explain what I mean with another example of a term being misunderstood by the general public: punishment.
The ‘layman’ use of the term punishment tends to be this:
Punishment is something that is often used morally or out of a feeling of revenge: “you shouldn’t have done that, so now I am going to do this as a punishment.”
For example, your dog goes out on a walk and ignores their recall. As a “punishment”, an owner may shout at the dog when they get them back and keep them on the lead for the rest of the walk. However, this isn’t technically a punishment to the dog, as it has not decreased the likelihood of this happening again the next time you go on a walk.
If you do something unpleasant to your dog, it is just that, unpleasant.
However, when we look at punishment from a scientific viewpoint, this is what we mean:
From a learning theory point of view, something can only be classed as punishment when there is a notable decrease in the frequency of a behaviour being shown as a result of the punishment.
So, when “laypeople” talk about “drive”, it’s commonly thought and understood that a drive results in a dog being eager, or longing to do something or to behave in a certain way, and they cannot hold themselves back. It’s an impulsion that must be carried out no matter what is done to try and control this.
What they often mean is a loss of impulse control.
Scientifically what we are saying is that predation is not a drive, it is actually a need, making it a need-orientated behaviour.
6. “Drive” makes all training obsolete
If predatory behaviour was a drive, there would be no way of controlling or managing it whatsoever. As we have already mentioned, “drives” are uncontrollable, both by the dog themselves and by humans. If this were the case, positive training protocols like Predation Substitute Training would be obsolete, because no matter what training and management measures were put in place, they would be ineffective at controlling or managing a driven behaviour.
Let me know:
What do you think about the term predatory “drive”? Do you think it’s fair to keep using this term?
The author: Simone Mueller
Predation Substitute Expert &
Founder of Predation Substitute Training™
We are very influenced by Freud’s drive theory so we automatically try to use this on our dogs.
The “WE” is quite likely a very small group of ppl. Specifically it is limited to those individuals who have studied Freud rather
I’m not sure about this. As we use the term “drive” in everyday language, it shows that Freud had made it into everyday language, even though we might not notice.
I agree with your comment ‘that predation is not a drive, it is actually a need, making it a need-orientated behaviour.’ I see this when my two year old Border Terrier loses his impulse control on seeing wildlife. Whilst on the lead, he can now control his impulse to chase a bird he has seen. He has not always been able to do this. He can use his predation substitute training to watch calmly and disengage towards me. However, off lead he is still unable to control the impulse to hunt the bird that could lead on to the chasing of another animal. Until this is solved, he shall need to stay on a lead/long-line as chase cannot be allowed and I do not know if kill would kick in as he has never got to this stage. Indoors and in town, there are no triggers and no desire to hunt/chase.
I agree that ‘Predatory Drive’ is an incorrect terminology. Without a stimulus it doesn’t happen. However, some of our dogs have a need to hunt/chase and we have to take responsibility to give them an outlet, whether that be time to sniff, Predation Substitute Training or a ball/flirty stick chase in a safe environment.
It will be hard to change the terminology ‘Predatory Drive’. I don’t think it is correct. I think it is likely that a mix of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is present, and it does not come solely from an inner drive. Therefore, I agree that the terminology ‘Predatory Motivation’ provides a better understanding of what is going on in the dog.
Thank you for your thoughts, Mary!
Good Morning Simone ! Kudos on writing such an interesting Article . I work In the Canine Training and Management (BT) department at SUNY Cobleskill , Cobleskill NY . The vision of our Department and degree program was that of Dr Stephen Mackenzie. Doc , as he was respectfully and endearingly referred to ,had addressed this same subject years ago . Thank you !
Kathy Stevens
Hi Kathy! This is so interesting! Has he written an article about this?
I am not aware of the connotation of the words drive, impulse or need (probably with a different definition than a primary need like drinking or eating?) being non-native English speaker and I would prefer to comment on predatory behaviorS (rather than behaviour) before coming back to the question.
My thoughts would be:
(1) predatory responses include multiple behaviorS -quest, trail, stalk, chase, grab, bite to cite a few-, probably having deep roots in canid evolution and very differently expressed depending on breeds (see scientific data reporting gene variants related to behavioral predispositions), but also individuals, the part of heredity and environmental factors being always difficult to disentangle;
(2) their occurrence results from a decision choice, very certainly assessing the effort to provide (fresh or old scent, visual indication of proximity or not etc), integrating physiological parameters (age, being tired or not, etc) and the expected reward/aversive (is taking action pleasant, tiring, or either one depending on duration; is the catch worth; are other opportunities available etc; based on learning history). The fact that this integration can be fast does not necessarily imply that it is “impulsive” -in an experienced dog, it involves the processing of a high level cognitive information-. On the expected reward, it is a vast question (catch or intrinsic pleasure of the behaviour, possibly in certain limits fixed by the dog: duration of a chase for instance)
(3) It seems to me that a key question concerns underlying neural bases: perceptive sensitivity with a lower threshold for some breeds than others), regulation of motivation (which I would define as an inner, subjective state, resulting from the integration of multiple inputs, sensory perceptions, physiological state, learning history etc) or reward valence evaluation? These elements are probably encoded by different neuronal circuits and their involvement may depend on the behavioral sequence considered, breed predispositions and of course individuals. This implies that effective tools may depend on a lot of factors, in view of the potential complexity of the regulation of these behaviors…
In short, yes these behaviors can certainly be regulated, if we need to “control” them. As a matter of fact, while they can be viewed as “behavior problems” from an anthropocentric perspective (which is not my view), they are largely used to the advantage of trainers, for instance in sports training…
So to come back to the initial question, if we want to use any term -drive, need or impulse- for these behavioral predispositions, I would just find sensible to define it accurately without hidden assumptions such as those you aptly cite, and being aware of the underlying complexity…
Thank you for your thoughts, Sylvie!