Giveaway: Play the stalking game

Subscribe to my newsletter and play the Stalking Game!
(Training tutorial + video for 0$)

Start your training journey today

This game is part of Predation Substitute Training (PST)™, a motivationbased and needorientedtraining program, designed to stop uncontrolled predatory chasing and provide safe outlets for ourdog’s natural drive.

Instead of making discipline the nagging factor that spoils the fun, this training system will help dogsand their guardians to grow as a team and go hunting together.

The Stalking Game is your perfect start!

Your Benefits:

Playing the Stalking Game will:

  • teach your dog to control his impulses
  • give your dog an outlet
  • strengthen your bond

Just subscribe and start to play!

Hi, I’m Simone Mueller,

a certified dog trainer and dog behaviour consultant (ATN.AG) from Germany. I specialise in forcefree antipredation training, and I am the author of the two books in the Predation Substitute Training™ series “Hunting Together” and “Rocket Recall”.

I’m proud to be an Associate Trainer at the Scotlandbased Lothlorien Dog Training Club (ATLDTC)and a member of both the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) and the Pet Dog Trainers of Europe (PDTE).

Stop waiting and train your dog like a pro (& with more fun)

Try modern & force-free solutions for prey driven dogs!
Just enter your email-adress and recieve your training video + worksheet.