books for better training

Learn more about force-free anti-predation training for dogs that love to chase.

You want to know why your dog loves to chase and what to do about it?

Don’t Eat That!

“I LOVE IT! Very easy to understand and follow the instructions.” – Michelle from South Africa

Force-free food-avoidance training for dogs who love to scavenge.

Hunting together

“I am blown away by how effective and easy this technique is. It is giving us a whole new sense of freedom on our walks!” (Amazon Reader)

Use your dog’s predation motivation to improve your training and grow your relationship with your dog.

Rocket Recall

“Awesome book, easy to read, useful practical advice and interesting from the beginning to the end. Better than a lot of recall training out there!” (Amazon Reader)

Every dog can learn to come joyfully and reliably when he’s called.

Hi, I’m Simone!

a certified dog trainer and dog behaviour consultant (ATN.AG) from Germany. I specialise in forcefree antipredation training, called Predation Substitute Training (PST)™, created several online-courses on this topic, and I am also the author of the three books “Hunting Together”, “Rocket Recall” and “Don’t Eat That!”.

Online Workshops

Predation Substitute Training (PST)™ is a motivation-based and need-oriented training program, designed to stop uncontrolled predatory chasing and to provide safe outlets for your dog’s natural drive.

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